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Illuminating the Blind Spots: My First Experience at the Psychotherapy Center

Students' Comments

Illuminating the Blind Spots: My First Experience at the Psychotherapy Center

My time at the psychotherapy center marked my first real encounter with the practical application of psychological science, the therapeutic process, and the modern relational approach. What resonated with me most was the center’s welcoming atmosphere, the collaborative spirit of the team, and the open, honest dialogue among its members.

The integration of theory with real-life cases and therapists’ experiences proved invaluable. It allowed us, as students, to revisit theoretical concepts, draw meaningful connections, and consider how we might approach similar situations as future practitioners. This hands-on learning bridged the gap between abstract knowledge and practical application, sparking both inspiration and motivation to delve deeper into the field.

Among the many takeaways, one phrase stood out and continues to guide my understanding of psychotherapy:
“Therapy serves to illuminate the blind spots that individuals cannot see on their own.”
For me, this sentiment captures the very essence of psychotherapy—a process of unveiling what is hidden, fostering growth, and guiding individuals toward greater self-awareness.

Konstantina, 4th year Psychology student at the University of Athens, Greece

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